Then my mom asked me what my word for the year is. And I struggled. I started last year feeling extremely hopeful and strong and ready to face all that life had for me. This year started with a feeling of defeat and sadness, honestly. A searching. Not sure who I am and what I want and where God is or who He is.
I told you in my last post that I'm reading One Thousand Gifts. As part of the book study, each week the creators of the book club and the author of the book are doing video blogs about that week's chapter. As the author was speaking something hit me hard. What she spoke about was in the book, but as they were talking it made so much sense to me and honestly, I feel like it may be a turning point in all of this for me.
She spoke about how when God put Adam and Eve in the garden, he afforded them every luxury there except the fruit from ONE tree. Just one tree. Their sin and our sin is ingratitude. They weren't satisfied with what God gave them. They wanted more. They didn't take the material world for what it is, which is a place to commune with God.
This seriously hit me like a ton of bricks. I literally have a picture in my mind of God saying, "Here Ashleigh, this is what I give you. This is what's good for you and for my plan. The other things that you *want* right now, they have to wait. What is best for you is what I have for you and what I've given you. Can't you see all the enormous blessings I've poured on you? Will you see how much I love you by those or continue to resent me for the things I've withheld?"
My word of the year is Grateful.

1 comment:
Very close to my word... BLESSED!
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