I can’t even begin to explain how this book is speaking to my soul. God and I have been distant for a long while. I have chosen resentment for far too long…being angry about what I’m *not* getting (pregnant)…not seeing what HE *IS* giving. This book is changing me. Changing my heart. Helping me to understand. The first two chapters of this book have done something in me that I wasn’t sure was possible. I’m craving God again. I want FULL salvation (sozo). I’m realizing that by giving thanks (Eucharisteo) for the grace/gifts, that is where full joy, full salvation comes. What’s happening inside of me is too much to even comprehend right now.
I prayed (*really* prayed) for the first time in a VERY long time last night after reading Chapter 2.
Thank you, Ann. Thank you for submitting to God and writing this book. If no one else (all though I’m positive MANY more), your book is changing *my* life.
Oh, and I’m planning out my tattoo of the 3 word constellation: charis (grace), eucharisteo (thanksgiving) and chara (joy).
Anyone want to design that tattoo for me?? :)

Ashleigh, I have a tattoo design for you. Come see it wednesday!
I can't wait to see it, Crystal!! :)
Christa on the board is a good designer.
Did you ever do this tattoo?? I've been thinking about it, and ran across your blog post. I'd love to see the design you came up with!
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