Today's post is the reason I never wanted to start a blog in the first place. Where the heck do I start? Chloe's 1st birthday? Chloe's birth? Our wedding? High school? MY birth? lol. I really don't want to have 10 posts just getting everyone up to speed on our lives. SO, I have decided to post some old pictures of Chloe and then make my next post start in the present. Today. Right now. I never liked history much anyway ;)
So, here is a look at our little princess.
The day she was born (January 15, 2007):
3 Months:
6 months:

9 months:

1 year:

18 months:

Ain't she darn cute?
Such a cutie-pie!
Hi Ashleigh,
Wow, so I think we have a lot in common! I never met another Ashleigh who spells their name as we do but much less one that married a Justin and has the last name of Smith! Too funny! I feel like we should be related or something! Your little girl is precious and Im so glad that you have the opportunity to stay home with her. I love staying home with our little Ethan. Oh by the way, another similarity that we have in common is that I actually work part time in a preschool as well, I teach the 3 year olds...I wonder what else we have in common?! Thanks for finding me!
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