Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Welcome Miss Lydia Hope!

The next few weeks....
To say a lot has happened since the last time I blogged would be a HUGE understatement. Haha!
So, to get caught up:
At 32 weeks, on a Tuesday night, I had a bought of contractions (not painful at all) that were about 2-3 minutes apart and lasted a couple of hours. Of course I never had any contractions prior to Chloe’s labor so I was a little scared and confused about what was going on. I knew in order for them to be “real” labor contractions they needed to get longer, stronger, and closer together, which they weren’t really doing. I called my midwife and she told me to take a bath, drink lots of water and pregnancy tea, lay on my left side, etc. – all things to try to get them to stop. She also called me in a prescription to try to get them to stop. After I talked to her she decided to come to the house and just check things out. Can I just interrupt and say how AWESOME it is to have a midwife that comes to you when something is amiss!! Anyway…the meds got the contractions stopped and I carried on my merry little way….until Thursday when they started again. This time I decided I probably should go to the hospital and get things checked out and make sure these were Braxton-Hicks and not contractions that were causing any dilation. At the hospital everything checked out okay, but I was officially put on bed rest until 37 weeks.
You would think bed rest would be really awesome, but when you have a 4 year old to entertain, and a house to clean, and a family to cook for, it really pretty much sucks! Luckily for me, I have an awesome younger sister who came to stay with us and helped out with all the things I couldn’t do, especially entertaining Chloe.
I came off bed rest at 37 weeks and had lots of contractions pretty much every day – they were very sporadic and usually didn’t hurt at all. We were okay with Lydia making her entrance after this point, so I didn’t really pay much attention to the contractions and figured they were helping prepare her lungs and my body for labor.
At my 38 week appointment my midwife, Suzanne, told me she thought I would be going over my due date and to just enjoy our time until baby was here. I’ll be honest, I was really bummed after that appointment. Having had contractions for so many weeks, I thought for sure Lydia would be here earlier than my due date. I kind of prepared myself that she would be early and when I was told she would likely be “late”, I was a little discouraged.
Fast forward to 40 weeks. 11/11/11. Nothing. Baby girl was holding tight and her momma was getting VERY anxious for her to make her arrival!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011
28 Weeks!
I can not believe I'm in the third trimester already! The second half of this pregnancy has FLOWN by! It's really so very bittersweet that we're getting closer to end of the pregnancy. On the one hand I'm so incredibly excited to meet Lydia and to have her in my arms. On the other hand, I love being pregnant and feeling her move in my belly. I'm trying to cherish every minute of being pregnant with her!!
Chloe is getting more and more excited by the day to have Lydia here and often says things like, "I wish it would get colder faster so my baby would be here!" She is so sweet and is going to be such an amazing big sister. Seeing the two girls together is something I can not WAIT for!!
Now for the fun pregnancy questions:
How far along: 28 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Yeah, this question was still fun when it was like 8lbs...now, let's just say my booty will most likely have it's own zip code when this is all said and done. ;)
Body Changes: I'm pretty much just getting big everywhere. The joys of pregnancy :) One thing Justin and I noticed though is that my belly has gone from really round to sticking straight out. I think it's how baby girl is positioned in there. I'm hoping she's head down or at least headed that way in the next few weeks!!
Sleep: Sleeping is okay. I wake up A LOT to go pee in the middle of the night. I didn't really have to pee more than usual with Chloe so I always thought those women who talked about having to pee were just making it up (lol), but holy cow, this time that is not the case. I have to pee ALL. THE. TIME!!!
Best moment this week: Being able to actually feel her foot poking me from the outside and know what it was!!
Gender: Girl!! :)
Food Cravings/Aversions: I don't really have many cravings or aversions. McDonald's could probably be put in the aversion category.
What I miss: Sleeping on my belly
What I am looking forward to: My midwife appointment on Thursday as well as our little family vacation to St. Louis next weekend!
Milestones: I can tell she's getting bigger in there and have started to very distinctly feel little feet, knees, and elbows poking me. She is extremely active and I LOVE that!! I think she knows her mommy needs the extra reassurance. ;)

Monday, July 25, 2011
Chloe's Summer (so far) in Pictures
Monday, July 11, 2011
Home Management
Recently I came across moneysavingmom.com. She is a blogger who posts about great deals as well as lots of great homemaking tips. I have just started using her daily docket and cleaning lists and can I say how AMAZING I feel and what a wonderful state my house is in MOST of the time. It's a miracle really.
Here is the link to her home management forms: http://moneysavingmom.com/downloads/household-management-forms.
I follow her daily docket pretty much exactly and there are just a few changes I made to the cleaning lists for our own house.
I just wanted to pass this info along in case it helps someone else out. I know it has been such a blessing to me!

Thursday, June 30, 2011
We're having a GIRL!!!
We had our big ultrasound and to my surprise, we're having a girl! I think everyone had me convinced it was a boy, so I really was so surprised!! Justin had guessed a girl and he was right. Chloe had said we were having a boy from the very beginning and I thought her instincts were probably better than mine. haha. Not so apparently! We had her name picked out about a week before our ultrasound. I suddenly realized how much I loved the name Lydia and Justin said he did too. SOLD! :) I think Chloe and Lydia sound so pretty together. It's really fun to call baby by her name. :)

As soon as the ultrasound tech told us it was a girl, Chloe crossed her arms and gave a big scowl. She was definitely not a happy camper. It took her about 5 minutes to get excited about "playing babies and dancing in dresses" with her little sister. She is now so excited for a baby sister and is honestly going to be the best big sister in the world. She already loves her little sister so much!
I'm already daydreaming about all the fun they will have together. I have 2 sisters, so I know how special a sister relationship is and I can't wait to see it unfold :)
Here is my 20 week picture:
And a few more of our sweet little one:

She is moving around a TON. Pretty much anytime I slow down she makes her presence known. :) And it's so fun to feel her and know she's doing so well in there!
It still takes my breath away that God has blessed us with this new little life. He has been so good to us. I am so incredibly thankful!!
We have decided to use cloth diapers with this little babe. When I had Chloe the thought of cloth diapers was insane to me. I honestly didn't know, though, how easy and wonderful they really are! We (I say "we" VERY lightly because really it was me! lol) made this decision for several reasons: Cost (while the upfront cost is more, we will be saving upwards of $1500-2000 by choosing cloth); while I'm not really what I would call a "green-living" person, it really did bother me to throw away SO MANY nasty, non-biodegradable diapers when Chloe was in diapers so this solves that problem; they really are better for baby with no chemicals and soft as butter; and they're dang cute -- the diapers *and* the little baby butts in cloth diapers!!
We got our first cloth diaper already from our sweet friends, Chad, Cassie, and Eli (thanks, guys!):
I think we have decided to have the girls share a room so our spare bedroom can be our school room. Chloe and I are slowly planning out what we want it to look like and I am getting so excited about decorating for Chloe *and* Lydia in the same room! I have some ideas and the only thing set in stone is that it will have lots of PINK!!! ;)
Speaking of Chloe (no, I haven't forgotten about her! hehe)....she has been having a REALLY fun summer and my next post is going to be all about her and what she's been up to lately!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Almost 20 weeks!
Apparently being pregnant has made me the world's worst blogger. I feel like I have so much to say and wish I wouldn't have waited so long to update. This pregnancy has been so incredibly different than my pregnancy with Chloe. With Chloe I was so laid-back (and naive, really, which is probably why I had no worries), but this time I've honestly been a nervous wreck. My anxiety has gotten much better over the past few weeks, thankfully.
I was also having a very hard time believing we would really bring a baby home. One day my mom said, "Hey! we'll have a baby for Thanksgiving and Christmas this year...how exciting!" and in my head I said, "hopefully". That thinking really scared me (because I'm typically a very positive thinker) and made me realize how completely in denial I was. I think trying for a baby for so long really messes with your head.
Weeks 8-12 I was extremely sick and was having a very hard time. It was so hard because we have been hoping for this baby for so long and then to feel like I was complaining non-stop was really hard. I had to quickly learn that I'm human and feeling like crap all day long, whether you REALLY want something or not, is just sucky!!
Now, having said all of that about the first part...I have moved into a very happy, realistic view of this pregnancy and am finally so excited and really feeling like this is REAL! I will be 20 weeks on Friday and I can't BELIEVE we almost are half way there! I have been feeling so good lately and am really enjoying this whole thing!!
I started feeling baby (who we're calling Teeny Tiny for now) move about 14 weeks. It wasn't until 18 weeks with Chloe but I guess I just knew what to expect and feel this time. The first movements were very light and sporadic, but about 16 weeks they became very consistent and I now feel Teeny Tiny dancing around in there every day several times a day. The movements now are harder and much easier to "detect". In fact, Justin felt the baby kick -- flip, punch, twirl, whatever it was ;) this past Saturday morning :) I'm still trying to get Chloe to feel it, but she hasn't yet as baby seems to want to run from her every time -- lol...not sure if that's a bad sign or not!
Speaking of Chloe...she is so SO excited about having a new baby. She is going to be such an amazing big sister. She definitely thinks we're having a boy and really does not want a girl. She told me a couple of days ago that "we don't need another girl". Haha. I think she's a little intimidated by the idea of not being the only girl. She says the baby's name will be Cooper. We have no idea where she got the idea for this name, but when she talks to my belly (which she does often and it's so precious I about die every time) she calls "him" Cooper. Even if we have a boy, the name isn't going to be Cooper, but she's quite convinced. Not totally sure how we're going to handle *that* one, but we'll see!!
I have recently had a few conversations with her about how the baby "comes out". Yeah, that's been fun! haha! I'm trying to answer her questions as age-appropriately as possible and only give her the information she needs to satisfy that moments questions. We're slowly figuring it out :)
We're having a home birth with this one and I am *so* excited!! I have wanted to have a home birth since having Chloe. We have a really amazing midwife and while I'm not ready for baby to be here yet I really am looking forward to so many things about having baby here at home. (If you have any questions about our birthing plan PLEASE feel free to ask!!)
We have our 20 week ultrasound tomorrow to make sure baby is healthy and to find out if it's a boy or girl!! I am so excited!! I really have no "feelings" about what sex this baby is, but pretty much 99.9% of everyone else thinks it's a boy. We'll see!!! More than anything I'm just praying for a very healthy baby! Our appointment is at 9am tomorrow.
I've seen these little questionnaires on a few people's blogs. I snagged this one from Alisa (who I affectionately call my twin because we look so much alike!)
How far along: 19 Weeks - 20 on Friday
Total weight gain/loss: about 8 lbs
Body Changes: I'm mostly belly, but unfortunately pregnancy expands my butt and thighs at a rapid rate of speed...so there's that ;)
Sleep: I've been sleeping pretty well at night. I sneak in naps every once in a while during the day when Chloe naps.
Best moment this week: Justin feeling Teeny Tiny kick!! :)
Gender: We will (hopefully!) find out in the morning!!!
Food Cravings/Aversions: I haven't really had any cravings (I didn't with Chloe either). I had an aversion to pretty much everything at the beginning, but thankfully I really don't have too many anymore. Meat is still not my favorite thing, but it just depends on the day whether I can eat it or not.
What I miss: Summer Beer!
What I am looking forward to: Tomorrow's ultrasound!!!
Milestones: Lots of movement and feeling great!

Thursday, April 14, 2011
"Mommy has a baby in her belly...."
This time was much much different. I definitely knew what to expect this time - a negative test. But when I got that positive it was something totally different. A miracle. I took a moment to just "be" and stare at that positive test. I truly could not believe my eyes.
As I said before, I told my mom and sisters first, but then I told Chloe. At first I had thought I wouldn't tell her so early because "what if something happens"? But then I realized that "something can happen" any moment of your life and I'm the kind of person who likes to cherish every happy second for what it is. So, I told her she was going to be a big sister and *this time* I will never forget her face. Pure excitement. The thought of that moment makes me tear up every time.
I was thinking of a million ways to tell Justin. Put a bun in the oven. Have Chloe wear a big sister shirt. Tell him I couldn't enjoy a glass of wine with dinner. But finally I decided that the best way to tell him was to let Chloe do the honors. And she did.
Chloe and I had been talking about the baby all afternoon and she was so excited to tell her daddy. Justin came home from work and we were in my bathroom getting ready to go to dinner. As Justin was walking upstairs and before he got to our room I told Chloe, "okay! you can tell daddy our secret". He walked into the bathroom and she immediately declared, "Mommy has a baby in her belly and I'm gonna be a big sister!!"
Justin looked at me like, "what is she saying? is this right? huh?" I just smiled huge and nodded my head. He got a huge smile on his face as well and he immediately hugged me and rubbed my belly. It was such a sweet moment.
Fast forward to this week. Justin got home from work on Monday and said, "I got to hold Eli today and he smiled at me!" (Eli is our good friends Chad and Cassie's baby). Later when we were watching TV he told me "holding Eli today made me really ready to have a baby". Now, let me just say that Justin is not an emotional/touchy-feely kind of guy so for him to say that really meant a lot.
I am so excited to see Justin as a daddy of two little ones. He truly is the best daddy in the world. He loves Chloe with reckless abandon. I am so honored to share this life with him.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011
What if my greatest disappointments
Or the aching of this life
Is the revealing of a greater thirst this world can’t satisfy
And what if trials of this life
The rain, the storms, the hardest nights
Are Your mercies in disguise
Love you,

Tuesday, April 5, 2011
God's Blessings
So, I've been thinking a lot about God and our journey to have this baby. Often as we were waiting to get pregnant I kept wondering, what does God want to teach me? What am I missing? What have I done that he would withhold this from me? Very slowly I began to learn that He just wanted me to give up control of my life and my desires. I remember sitting at small group at Nathan and Sherri's house one night stating how God was teaching me that He was withholding the very thing from me that I desired most because, well, I desired it more than I desired Him.
It still took me a while to change that mindset and I honestly do not think I did until I started reading One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp. My attitude and heart have changed so much over the past few months just realizing how BLESSED we already are (even without all the things we WANT in our lives). God has given us a million things a day to be thankful for (the cool spring breeze coming through the window, trees blossoming, a child who tells you "My name is Santa Clause and I just like to shake my booty at Christmas parties", DVR'd TV shows, and of course the bigger things in our life like our house, our family, our full pantry). Why do we focus on the negative? The things we don't have? The way we WISH our life was?
My eyes have been opened.
Funny thing is...I was beginning to become perfectly OKAY with God's plan and ideas for our life...even if that meant never having another baby from my womb. I just want more of God and more of what HE wants for my life. I was/am closer to God than I have ever been in my life.
I don't know why he withholds blessings from anyone else, but I *do* know for me it was to teach me to love Him the most and to be THANKFUL for the things He has given me and is giving me.
I asked for prayer this weekend that I would not forget what I have learned. That I would not become complacent now that I *do* have what I have been asking for.
I have struggled with understanding God in all of this and understanding if he really does withhold blessings to teach us something, so I wanted to go to the bible and see what it says. I stumbled across an article about Hannah (who God closed her womb until she gave up control of her life and her child's life...sound familiar??). It said this:
Suddenly, your desperation turns to a decision. It may be a deeper level of commitment or a yielding of an area of besetting sins or a response to an unanswered call or a vow of consecration in an area of your life. You are at a place, spiritually, you would have never reached if God hadn't closed the shut off valve of your blessings and caused your desire to turn into dependence, your dependence into desperation, and finally, your desperation to a time of decision. At this point, the child, the job, the finances, or the marriage are no longer the issue. The will of God is the issue. Now you don't even want the child, unless God does. You don't even want the job, unless God does. He may miraculously give you what you desired, or better still, just give you more of Himself instead. The key is that now He has your undivided attention, and is in the process of changing your life by withholding from your life blessings that you took for granted. So why God withholds from us becomes obvious. It is to get our attention.
...and I will end with that.

I had just put Chloe and the daycare kids down for a nap when I started having these weird pains in my inner thighs. In my weirdo mind I thought, "hey, maybe that's a pregnancy symptom". lol. I knew I had a pregnancy test under the bathroom sink so on a whim I took it. Immediately, I saw this:
My first response: HOLY S*#^! (sorry..it's true!). Second response: Thank you Jesus!! My second response probably should have been my first, but whatever. ;)
I could NOT even believe my eyes. I was in total shock, shaking like crazy, and truly thought I might pass out.
I called my mom. She didn't answer. I called again and again and again...still no answer. I called my best friend, Andrea. No answer!! DANG IT! I NEED TO TAKE ANOTHER TEST! I would have left to get another test myself, but I had other children here. FINALLY my mom called back and was of course wondering if I was okay because I had called and texted about 10 times. I told her I had gotten a positive test and needed to take another one NOW! She was at lunch with my younger sister (who immediately started crying when she heard what was going on) and said they would be right over.
They got here about 15-20 minutes later, I took the second test, and immediately saw this:
Oh my GOSH! I'm really pregnant! I brought the test down to show them. It had only been like 30 seconds and my mom *insisted* we wait the 3 minutes like it said on the box. I had taken enough tests to know it was positive, but I humored her. She set the timer and we waited. After 3 minutes, it was still positive.
We called my youngest sister to bring over some sparkling peach juice my mom had at home. She brought it over and as she walked in the door, handed us the juice and kind of looked like, what in the world is going on? I told her we were "celebrating" and she looked at me and immediately knew! She got tears in her eyes and gave me a big hug.
By this time Chloe was clearly not napping, so I let her get out of bed. She came downstairs, we poured 5 glasses of juice and got ready to toast.
I asked Chloe if she knew why we were "having a cheers?" She said no and I told her that mommy has a baby in her belly! She looked at me with HUGE eyes and a big smile and just immediately kissed and hugged my belly. It was the most precious moment of my entire life. She is so excited and that makes it even more fun for us!
After our toast, my mom and sisters left. I still could not believe this was happening.
Of course, now I needed to tell Justin. Stay tuned...that's for the next post :)

PS. I also have lots of thoughts to share about our infertility (and other women struggling through it as well).