I had just put Chloe and the daycare kids down for a nap when I started having these weird pains in my inner thighs. In my weirdo mind I thought, "hey, maybe that's a pregnancy symptom". lol. I knew I had a pregnancy test under the bathroom sink so on a whim I took it. Immediately, I saw this:
My first response: HOLY S*#^! (sorry..it's true!). Second response: Thank you Jesus!! My second response probably should have been my first, but whatever. ;)
I could NOT even believe my eyes. I was in total shock, shaking like crazy, and truly thought I might pass out.
I called my mom. She didn't answer. I called again and again and again...still no answer. I called my best friend, Andrea. No answer!! DANG IT! I NEED TO TAKE ANOTHER TEST! I would have left to get another test myself, but I had other children here. FINALLY my mom called back and was of course wondering if I was okay because I had called and texted about 10 times. I told her I had gotten a positive test and needed to take another one NOW! She was at lunch with my younger sister (who immediately started crying when she heard what was going on) and said they would be right over.
They got here about 15-20 minutes later, I took the second test, and immediately saw this:
Oh my GOSH! I'm really pregnant! I brought the test down to show them. It had only been like 30 seconds and my mom *insisted* we wait the 3 minutes like it said on the box. I had taken enough tests to know it was positive, but I humored her. She set the timer and we waited. After 3 minutes, it was still positive.
We called my youngest sister to bring over some sparkling peach juice my mom had at home. She brought it over and as she walked in the door, handed us the juice and kind of looked like, what in the world is going on? I told her we were "celebrating" and she looked at me and immediately knew! She got tears in her eyes and gave me a big hug.
By this time Chloe was clearly not napping, so I let her get out of bed. She came downstairs, we poured 5 glasses of juice and got ready to toast.
I asked Chloe if she knew why we were "having a cheers?" She said no and I told her that mommy has a baby in her belly! She looked at me with HUGE eyes and a big smile and just immediately kissed and hugged my belly. It was the most precious moment of my entire life. She is so excited and that makes it even more fun for us!
After our toast, my mom and sisters left. I still could not believe this was happening.
Of course, now I needed to tell Justin. Stay tuned...that's for the next post :)

PS. I also have lots of thoughts to share about our infertility (and other women struggling through it as well).
ASHLEIGH!!! A milllllionnnn congrats! :) I am so happy for you! :)
Words cannot express how happy I am for you!! Congratulations Mama!!!!
I'm so thrilled for you guys! I know it's been a long road, and I'm so happy you're finally expecting!
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wish I could give you a hug! May God continue to bless you, Ash!!! so so so so so SO excited for you!!!! Congrats!
That was soooo great to read! Got me all teary eyed!! I am so excited for you!
I honestly cried for you reading this! I know how much you wanted this and you are such a great mother and you deserve this! I can't wait to continue reading about the journey of this little baby! I will pray for a healthy pregnancy for you!
Ashleigh, I totally understand what you mean about wanting God Himself more than the blessings He so generously and graciously gives us. I too want another baby so badly and have questioned God as to why He has not yet answered this request positively, especially with the miscarriage! He seems to keep telling me to seek Him and yearn for Him, ALONE. How I pray that I do! I am so excited for you as you prepare for your baby! Here's to trusting God no matter what and to knowing that His timing is always way better than ours ever could be.
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