Some super exciting things going on:
1. I attended my first birth as a doula last Saturday. It was the most incredible experience and I can't wait to tell you guys about it! I am working on making a separate blog for my doula stuff so I can keep this one about our family and my personal stuff, but I promise it will be up soon!
2. My best friend is in labor RIGHT NOW!!! Im so excited I can barely contain myself!
3. We have been enjoying this gorgeous summer weather and I have some really fun sprinkler pictures to show you!
4. This weekend we are busy with lots of fun. Tomorrow Justin and I are headed to the Royals game to watch them take on the Cardinals! We LOVE to go to baseball games together and we're super excited to see them play St. Louis. GO ROYALS! Then tomorrow we have a wedding of one of Justin's high school friends. I won't really know anyone there, but that's okay - it should be fun anyway... I hear there's going to be a great DJ (*wink*, Molly).
I hope everyone has a super fantastic weekend and I will try to get some posts rolling on here!

Just catching up on your blog, Ash! Glad you guys are having a great summer. Chloe is getting so big! I loved seeing her at Alysha's graduation party. She has great manners and such a cute personality! Keep in touch :(
Ashleigh! Come friend me on FB! Search for Corey Waters.. it says I live in Allentown, PA (that's close to where I lived last, and I am just laaazy on FB and never update anything). But then if I disappear again, you can find me!
PS. I just put you in my reader!
I'll be at the wedding, so I'll bring back your Business of Being Born, and I'm still reading Pushed if that's ok? Yah, I am really excited to chat your ear off about babies haha!
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