1. Get involved in a ministry that makes my heart sing. This is really important to me this year. I have a few ideas of where I would like to get involved, so I'm gonna start checking into volunteer opportunities.
2. Get my house and life more organized. This is *always* a yearly goal for me and for some reason it's just so hard for me. I am really great at planning but really bad at executing. I'm a work in progress, I suppose. Baby steps.
3. Read through the bible. I got a "daily" bible in The Message translation (I have to say, it's really weird reading this translation when I'm so used to NIV. It's going to take some getting used to!) and I'm really excited about getting all the way through the bible this year. My mom is doing the same thing (although a different reading plan), so I'm hoping we can keep each other accountable!
4. Memorize 24 Bible verses. Beth Moore did this during 2009 on her blog. I'm just a year late :) I will pick a new verse on the 1st and 15th of each month. Here is my first one: "Let the morning bring word of Your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in You. Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul" (Psalm 143:8). I have a little note card book that I'm putting my verses in so that I can keep them with me and meditate on them whenever (in the car, waiting in line at the store, etc.). If anyone wants to do this with me, let me know :)
5. Complete doula certification. I am going to training at the end of April (it was suppose to be in February, but it had to be pushed back because of lack of participants, which I was sooo bummed about!). This is my dream job and I'm so excited!! :)
6. Lose 15 pounds by the end of April. 'Nuff said.
7. Paint out bedrooms and bathrooms. It's killing me that our bedrooms are still beige. I have a few ideas of colors. Chloe's room is up first -- poor girl...what princess wants to live in a BEIGE castle?
8. Stop "actively" trying for another baby. This is a huge one for me this year. We've decided to let God completely decide what is going on with our family. No more stressing. I'm so over it!! If we get pregnant this year, I will of course be thrilled, but its definitely not in our plans.
9. Be wise with our money. We don't have a ton of debt, but we really want to completely knock it out in the next couple of years. In order to do that, we need to be even more diligent than we've already been about spending our money wisely.
10. Be more intentional about loving others. 'Cuz that's really what it's all about, right? ;)
So, what are your goals for this year?

Here are some things I've been milling around for the past little bit:
1) Be more conscious of where my time is going and where I'm letting my time go. Do more of the things I want to do (and make those a priority) and not get sucked into things that I don't want to do or that I feel like I have to do.
2) Be more friendly. Be more open to new friendships. (Sounds easy, right?)
3) Loose some weight.
4) Be more active with Chris. We've come up with a list of things we'd like to do this year. I'm excited to start on this! Should be fun!
5) Edit, edit, edit. I really need to get a hold on all of my 'stuff' and throw some of it out!
No, Ginger, I don't think being more open to friendships sounds easy...it's something I struggle with as well!
I love that you guys made a list of things to do together. Maybe Justin and I will steal that ;) I'd love to hear some of the things on your list!
Your top ten sound a lot like mine, except for the baby thing...not ready for that yet! I have already found one volunteer opportunity that lets me love the least of the least, which is my passion in life, I think, and I'm really excited about it! I should write down my goals like you have, so I can look back next year and see how I did! Good luck with yours!
I love reading your blog. Very inspiring. I am also trying to read through the Bible, be more intentional with Jeff and trying to stay healthy. Thanks for the encouragment!
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