· They believe each event has the ability to be unique – because there is no one else like you.
· They believe your event revolves around YOU – the client.
· They believe that great events are stress free – let them do the worrying for you!
Check out their new website at www.creativeeventstudio.com to see what they have to offer. While you’re there be sure to become a fan of theirs on facebook!
Mention this ad and receive 10% off of any package!

Ginger, co-owner of Creative Event Studio, is one of my good friends and one of the most creative minds I know and I am so excited to see her and Sarah's business get off the ground and am hoping them *much* success!
Ashleigh, what a small world that you know Sarah! We are friends; her fiance lived with my boyfriend for a long time!
I actually don't know Sarah, but am friends with Ginger. I would like to know Sarah though ;)
Oh gotcha! :) She's a super sweet girl. :)
Sarah and I are looking at this right now - how do two know each other? Small world!
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