I finished up Lydia's birth story -- you can read it in the post below, but I wanted to get these pictures on here too.
Before Lydia's birth our doula, Kay, let us know that she had a photographer who wanted to do some birth photography and wanted to offer a birth for free to one of Kay's clients to help build up her portfolio. Luckily we were that couple!! :) We don't have those pictures back yet, but as soon as we do I will get them up. Unfortunately, the birth went so fast that we have no pictures of me in labor OR the birth. I hate that. I was so looking forward to some amazing water birth pictures, but Lydia had different ideas. SO, all of these pictures are right after she was born. Thank you Andrea for taking them for us! They are so precious to me!
Here we go:
Immediately after she was born with my midwife's gentle hand on my shoulder. We did it! |
My mommas first look at her second granddaughter. |
Enjoying the first glimpses of our baby girl. |
This is one of my favorite pictures...just checking mommy out. |
Her sweet little feet |
She was so alert and when Justin talked to her she immediately turned her head to his voice. It was precious. |
Chloe's first look. She wasn't too sure. Mommy was excited though! :) |
Nicole checking to see if Lydia's umblical cord was still pulsing. |
Daddy cutting the cord. |
First skin to skin with daddy. |
Meeting her Poppy for the first time...although Poppy was on the phone letting everyone know he had a new baby granddaughter! haha! |
Feeding my sweet girl for the first time. What a precious moment. |
This picture makes me laugh so much. Justin and Lydia are just enjoying each other and Lindsey is consoling Chloe as she has a meltdown in the background. lol! |
Weighing the little fishie! ;) |
Love this! |
Smooching my first baby while feeding my second baby. I love this picture so much. |
Lindsey feeding me. Ha! :) |
Hi world!! |
This one cracks me up. I joke that this is Lydia's first Sears portrait...looking off into the abyss. |
Just relaxing with our new bundle. |
So happy! |
Chloe holding Lydia for the first time. This was the next day. |
One of my favorite pictures ever. My two sweet baby girls. |

These are so beautiful Ashleigh! Andrea did a wonderful job capturing these sweet moments, and you look so beautiful. It almost makes me want to think about doing it all over again...
These pictures are precious, Ashleigh! I LOVE your birth story! It is SO perfect.
OMG, Ashleigh! Those pictures were just beautiful. They brought back so many memories of my birth with Krystyna. She was a water birth too but in the hospital. It was so peaceful, so natural. I loved every second of it and I'm glad you had that same experience. If we ever make up our minds on number three, a water birth it'll be for sure. Just beautiful!
Ashleigh, thank you so much for sharing these. They're so perfect. I literally cried. I'm so glad Andrea got these for you! Ah. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. You, her, everything about it all. <3
AWW so beautiful! Great job mama.
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