- Catharine asked: What's something you and your husband do to spend time together?
Breck asked: What's the one thing you enjoy most about yourself?
This is a hard question to answer. I could easily list the things I don't like about myself. Ha! Something I do like though is that I think I am a compassionate person and care deeply for others.
Alisa asked: If you could vacation anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Hmmm...gosh! There are *so* many places I would love to visit. I think I would pick Africa. The first part of the trip would be a really awesome vacation with safaris and amazing food and learning about the culture. The second part of the trip would be visiting a refugee camp, helping out and learning about the people there, adopting 6 or 8 of the kids and then probably ending up staying there because I am too in love with the people to leave. LOL. Yeah, that's why I don't visit Africa...because I truly am scared that we would end up never coming back.
Matt asked: What do you pray God accomplishes through you by working with the DC Youth AND why are you in the lead?
As for the first question: I am praying that God uses me to really show the high school girls that living passionately for Christ is what is going to help them have a full, happy, healthy life. I think sometimes in high school it is so hard to see outside of yourself and what you want and the activities you're in and the boys/girls that you like and the popularity contests in order to see that walking with the Lord truly will bring you the most joy (at least I know it was for me). I'm praying that I can make some real relationships with the girls and help them grow in their walk.
I have no doubt that they are going to teach/help me way more than I ever will them!
As for the second question: I think this is referring to the little contest of who would have the most questions from blog readers . I won. By a long shot. Guess I won *that* popularity contest. hehe... ;)
Melissa asked: What are some of the biggest challenges and biggest blessings of being a mommy?
Oh, I could write a whole blog post on each of these separately! I will give you my top 3 of each.
1. Discipline. Justin and I think it's *so* important for both of us to be on the same page, so we are constantly changing our "strategies" and re-evaluating how things are working with her. Love and Logic is our main foundation and it has worked well so far!
2. Not feeling like a failure. I often feel like I'm not being the best mom I could be.
3. Chloe's picky eating. The child has about 10 things she will eat and it drives me NUTS! I think we are quickly approaching the time where I tell her she eats what we eat or she doesn't eat. That should be fun! *rolls eyes*
1. Pure love. The moment I saw Chloe I never imagined I could love someone like that. In return, she loves us without reservation.
2. Joy and Happiness. I guess that's two, but they kind of go hand in hand. Being a mom brings me so much joy and happiness. I just don't really see the need in staying angry anymore when there is so much awesome life to live.
3. Getting to be silly. Chloe and I have dance parties just about every day. It's fun to just be silly and act like a kid and having a child gives you a perfect excuse to do that!! :)
Jennifer asked: What is something you want to do before you die, your bucket list?
Oh, I have lots of things. Here are a couple silly ones: Get a tattoo, skydive, and be on The Amazing Race :)
Thank you guys for participating! This was fun :)