Ree just came out with a cookbook of lots of down home, delicious ranch recipes. The cookbook is a perfect reflection of her. It follows the same theme as her blog recipes, where she gives you step by step (picture by picture) directions. It would be a wonderful Christmas gift for anyone who loves to cook -- or even better...for those who have no idea how to since she makes it *super* easy!
On Monday my mom and I went to her cookbook signing and it was so much fun!! She answered questions from the audience (one of which was mine!), shared her husband (Marlboro Man as she likes to call him) and 2 boys (aka her punks) with us, and signed cookbooks. She was even more beautiful in person. And I have to say...MM is everything she said he is (ahem!). She was even so kind as to bring us cute-as-can-be Pioneer Woman t-shirts.
Here are some pictures from the awesome evening:
MM and the punks bringing in our T-shirts
Oh hello there...
The beautiful Ree answering audience questions
Singing a little Ethel Merman for us (hilarious!!)
Todd taking a picture of me taking a picture of him (and MM looking a little concerned for Ree's camera)
Seriously...she has the CUTEST boys in the world!!
I got Todd to smile for me (is he stinkin' adorable or what??)
Mom and I wait in line to have our books signed. We brought PW some Smokehouse BBQ sauce and Bean mix. one point the boys got a hold of the microphone and started making noises into it. While everyone there thought it was hilariously cute, I don't think MM was all too happy as is evident by the "come hither" finger!
It was finally our turn!
Cheese! (I have to admit that I did crop my mom out of this one as I think she was checkin' out MM rather than looking at the camera!)
That's better
It was such a wonderful mother/daughter evening and I hope to get to meet Ree again (maybe I'll get invited to the Lodge...hehe).